Unsigned Bands on the Web
(Complete Listing)- Alien Planetscapes
- A space rock band from NYC I used to play on my radio show.
- Anomaly
- A really good progressive metal band (very Dream Theater-like) from Tampa, Florida I just found out about on the SFK mailing list.
- Born To Go
- Another space rock band from NYC.
- Chestnut
- An alternative artist from here on Long Island, NY.
- Division
- A very good progressive metal band from Washington D.C.
- The Don't Quit Your Day Job Players
- This is a cool band consisting of some people I know. It's kind of a rock/folk/blues/country/classic rock band. They mostly play at science fiction conventions.
- Rainlord
- A good AOR band from Florida.
- Rat Race Choir
- A really good Long Island band, very progressive sounding. They weren't around for years, but just recently started playing again and are working on a new album.
- Restless Souls
- A good rock band from California.
- Six and Violence
- A cool, funny punk band from NY. I used to know the lead singer when I went to SUNY Stonybrook, and played them on my show.
- Squirrels From Hell
- Another band from NY I used to play on my radio show.
- A rock band from San Antonio, Texas with an alternative feel. I haven't really been into this type of music lately, but the sound files sounded pretty good.
- Velocity
- A band I found on Yahoo under Night Ranger. They sound great, and definitely influenced by Night Ranger, among other similar bands.
- Xenon
- This is another great band I just heard about on the Journey mailing list.
This page maintained by Sharan Volin, LocalRock@pobox.com. Last updated: 10/29/03