This is the home page for the former radio show Local Rock, originally on the radio
station WUSB, Stony Brook, NY. Although the show hasn't been on the air since
the early 1990's, it is now a web site open to unsigned bands from all areas
in the country. If you're in a band with a web page and are interested in getting listed
on this site, e-mail me at
(If you don't have a web page, I might even be able to help you out.)
IMPORTANT: If you or your band were once featured on Local Rock (the radio show!)
Please contact me! I'd love to hear from you and hear how you're doing. I'll also design a
free page and offer free web space (within reason) to anyone who was featured on the show
while it was on the air!
A note on "unsigned": I know with all the small independent labels, self
promoted albums, and imports, the "signed" definition is a little fuzzy. So I've
come up with a guideline I hope will help. Since this is mainly based in America (bands
from other countries are always welcome, of course), if you aren't signed to an American
record label with national distribution, you're eligible. And anyone who thinks they're
unsigned, I'll take your word for it.:) (Unless I happen to know you're on a major
Also: any band listed here is also eligible to be listed on my Rockers Online page, Although it takes me a lot
longer to update that (especially with my schedule lately). I plan on eventually merging
the two sites. Local Rock will still have its own search screen, but the listings
will be the same, and unsigned bands will get the Local Rock logo on their pages.
NOTE: I am currently WAY behind on e-mail, especially any e-mail related to
this site or Rockers Online, so expect a really lousy response time. I
apologize for that in advance! If you've e-mailed me anytime in the past year or
so (yes, I am that far behind:() I'm sorry, and I haven't forgotten you!
My life the past few years has been total chaos, and finally seems to be
settling down finally.
Links to unsigned bands on the web (Full Listing)
Look for bands by area (U.S.)
This page maintained by Sharan Volin,
Last updated: 10/29/03